The Möller Pipe Organ
Organ Specifications
M.P. Moller, Inc.
1989 – Op. 11781
3 Manuals – 4 Divisions – 35 Ranks – 43 Stops – Electro-pneumatic Action
61-note Manuals – AGO Standard 32-note Pedalboard
The new Covenant Presbyterian Church, formerly Harris Street Presbyterian Church, was dedicated on November 7, 1926, when it moved to its present location on Peachtree Road “out beyond the creek.” The new organ, a three-manual M. P. Möller, Opus 4606, built by funds from the church treasury, had 18 ranks and 32 stops. Stop keys for the console were located above the top manual.
In 1942, a new detached console was installed when the church was remodeled. Outstanding qualities of the organ at that time were the Diapason chorus, which was very complete for an organ of its size.
1942 console
In 1962, the organ was rebuilt, with major tonal changes, the addition of several ranks (Oboe, III Fourniture, Clarinet), the replacement of the 8’ Tuba with an 8’ Trompette, and a new three-manual draw knob console. After these revisions and additions, the organ comprised 19 ranks.
In 1974, due to extensive water damage, much of the organ was rebuilt and a new Clarinet rank was added to the Choir division in time for the centennial celebration.
1962 console (relocated to California)
In 1988, a contract was signed with M. P. Möller for a new three-manual organ, Opus 11781, with 35 ranks, designed by Dan Pruitt, the Director of Music and Organist. The Great division was relocated unenclosed to the upper choir loft in front of the stained glass window. Several ranks from previous organs were retained. Most notable were the 16’ Bourdon and the Holzgedect from the 1926 organ. The III rank mixture and Trompette, added in 1962, was relocated from the Great division to the Swell division; the 8’ Diapason from the Great division was relocated to the Swell division and re-scaled to become the Salicional along with the Viole Celeste. The new organ was dedicated on Christmas Eve 1989. Since the dedication, a Zimblestern was added, located in the Great division, and was a gift from Gene and Sarah Martin. It is unique for a new organ to contain selected ranks from all previous organs.
1989 console