Covenant Rental Policy  

(Session adopted on January 24, 2023) 

Room rental rate per room:  
$75/day for Koinonia Room 
$75/day for Choir Room 
$75/day for Nursery  
$100/day for Westminster 
$150/day for Chapel 
$200/day for Kitchen*  
$250/day for Fellowship Hall 
$300 for Sanctuary 
*Use of the kitchen requires prior approval and negotiation*
Cleaning rate of $150 for larger groups

Special Note for MInistry and Mission:
Some groups are considered part of the mission and ministry of Covenant Presbyterian. These groups contribute a special rate usage fee of $25.00 per event.

This rate would include/require
Completion of space request form with contact info and liability release 
Basic access to the building (including door code, if needed) 
Table or chair setup 
(with completion of the space request form and greater than one week  notice)  
Cost of cleaning room after use (groups are expected to leave it as they found it). 
Facilities Manager will ensure that the room(s) are thoroughly cleaned and prepped prior to & after rental.  

Space availability: Church events and space needs always take priority. The Fellowship Hall is  not reservable during Spanish Academy hours as children/classes must be able to pass  through that space. The Sanctuary is not available on Sundays before 4pm.  

Approval: The Pastor/Session is responsible for approval of outside groups and has the right to  waive space rental fees for groups that are directly tied to the church's mission. Choir room  requests must be additionally approved by the Music Director. Groups that are currently  receiving space use for free or optional donation are grandfathered in (ex: Peachtree Hills Civic  Association).