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Worship Every Sunday at 11:00am
STYLE | Worship at Covenant is rooted in the Presbyterian tradition and uses liturgy, hymns, and proclamation to bring glory and praise to God. The music is largely drawn from the Presbyterian Glory to God hymnal, which features a variety of hymns from old classics to more contemporary selections. The central aspect of the Presbyterian service is the proclamation of the Word both in hearing scripture read and the Word proclaimed through a sermon. Communion is celebrated monthly on the first Sunday of the month.
ARRIVAL | When you first arrive in the sanctuary, our greeters will welcome you, give you a bulletin for the service, and answer any questions you may have. Feel free to join us at 10:30 am for coffee in the Fellowship Hall.
TIME | Our Sunday morning worship service is at 11 a.m. in the sanctuary. The hour-long service begins with the sounding of three chimes. The prelude music that follows the chimes is intended to help worshippers prayerfully prepare for worship.
ORDER OF WORSHIP | The bulletin you receive as you enter the sanctuary will provide you with important information about the service. Some parts of our worship are participatory, and worshippers stand at times. These times are indicated by an asterisk (*) in the bulletin.
WHAT TO WEAR | All are welcome to worship with the Covenant community. Come just as you are! You will find a wide range of attire in worship, from dresses, coats and ties to jeans and polo shirts, and everything in between!